Hamburger cithrinchen, a cittern with bell-shaped outline, and six courses. Wire-strung; the lowest two courses
single, the upper four double. Front transversely arched, of cypress or possibly yew. Three soundholes with terraced and pierced roses.
Back of five ivory and six ebony ribs tapering out fanwise from button; ribs separated with contrasted lines of black and white
purfling. Neck of ?beech, with a deeper spine running under treble side of fingerboard. Substantial heel to neck. Pegbox veneered in
tortoiseshell with more marquetry on back similar to ribs. Ten ivory pegs; eighteen metal frets retained with ebony and bone wedges.
Fingerboard decorated with strips of bone and ebony, and edged with ivory to hide ends of fret slots. Fretting irregular and sloping,
giving longer strings in treble than bass.