The collection of musical instruments at Scenkonstmuseet (Swedish Museum of Performing Arts), encompasses approximately 6 000 objects with an emphasis on Western art music and Nordic folk music. Scenkonstmuseet was originally founded in 1899 (then named Musikhistoriska museet), inspired by an exhibition of theatre and music which was part of the great Stockholm art and industry exhibition of 1897. Via donations and appeals for gifts, around 200 musical instruments and an amount of archive material concerning the history of music and theatre were gathered. The museum was opened to the general public in 1901. In 1981 the museum became part of a new public body, The Swedish National Collections of Music, and was renamed The Stockholm Music Museum (Musikmuseet). Since its activities had broadened and changed in character. In 2010 the museum got a new public function and is now a music, theatre and dance museum.
Address :
Sibyllegatan 2, 114 51 Stockholm, Sverige